In the Fall of 1993 I came home from work and was reading the Ruhaniat Newsletter, which was printed and mailed in those days. There was a article written by Murshid Moineddin Jablonski, in which he described a vision he had about the creation of a land based Sufi community in the Southwest of the U.S. As I remember, he credited his teacher, Murshid Samuel Lewis as the source of this vision. About an hour later, after my initial contact with this idea, I phoned him and said I was interested in helping to bring this vision to fruition.
Several times these sort of intuitive leaps have resulted in some of those profound changes in the course of my life. As a result I joined with a small group to form a strearing committee, with the goal of finding the land right for this endeavor.
Over the next year and one half the participants of the committee searched for land that would meet the requirements. Eventually we found a location near Silver City New Mexico. Some of the members of the search community visited the site with the real estate broker. The conclusion was we decided to purchase approximately 1,900 acres along Bear Creek about 20 miles north west of Silver City.
The initial vision for the project continued to manifest. It was articulated in three spheres. 1. To create a retreat center where the teachers from the worlds spiritual traditions could be invited to come and share there wisdom. 2. Founding of a residential community to act as caretakers for the land and work to together to host camps, other events, and individual retreats.
This land included three miles of Bear Creek, which fed into the Gila River, This specific piece of land was unique, in that the three miles of creek passing through the land was the only part of ther creek that flowed on the surface continuously all year. The site was an old early 20th century ranch. This included an old farm house and a few outbuildings, but more significantly, several water rights, include one to the Bear Creek flow dating back to 1878.
The challenges of the next years was raising funds to retire the mortgage and fixing up the existing old old rand homestead so as to be able to host camps and the events We had originally raised a litttle over $100,000, ending up using all of that plus some more for the down payment. So we started with a strong vision and about $600,000 debt. During the next 10 years most of any donations, along with selling some sections of the land that were geographically isolated from the main parcel, went to servicing this debt. During those early years many volunteers worked many hours using mainly what was there to make improvements. We held several camps that frequently combined spiritual practices and work projects.
In the 2000’s a small population of caretaker residents began to grow. Some of these pioneers rented the few available indoor facilities. Some others constructed cabins at their own expense. All worked together to care for the land, along with preparing for, managing, and staffing events held at the SSC. By 2010 this community of stewards numbered around 10.
Over the next few years through cooperative efforts the residents and visitors engaged in numerous improvement projects. We created fencing for the garden areas. We also constructed some additional living spaces and built a retreat cabin across the creek, not far from where Murshid Moineddin’s gravesite is located here.
By 2018 there were 14 participants here, helping with events and in caretaking the land. In that year a big change came about when the SSC entered into a conservation easement agreement that will protect most of the land from development in perpetuity. Another benefit that came from this agreement was a sizable grant that opened the way for major renovations and improvements on a much greater scale. These projects include two new wells, a community water system, and several ongoing projects including a new Dance Pavilion and major renovations of the old ranch house into a much improved and beautified retreat center facility.
After these many many years I am still happy to be here and grateful for the many blessing I have experienced this amazing life adventure.
Started snowing sometime last night and it’s noon and still coming down. Winter wonderland.
The sky at first light this morning around 6 AM looking toward the southeast. First clouds we’ve had in I can’t remember how many days. From the huge storm that has swept into California.
Getting my woodworking machines up and running. I love the amount of space I have and how everything is laid out. Began work on my first project today; a wood storage bin for cutoff pieces. Amos has completed the steps and is putting in a railing tomorrow.
Pilgrims from Europe visiting the Murshid Moineddin Dargah , guided by Murshid Saadi, Murshida Gita and Murshid Tansen.
The new dam for this year’s swimming hole.
May 20
Yesterday a person I met at SWNM Audubon came out and together we birded the feeders in the backyard of Adobe Noor, the ranch house, the swimming hole, the Dargah area and outer gardens and the area around the irrigation dam and dance dome. Here’s the list of what we saw:
Black Chinned Hummingbird Broad Tailed Hummingbird Black Headed Grosbeak House Finch
White Winged Dove Morning Dove Gambel’s Quail Common Raven
Says Phoebe Ash Throated Flycatcher Lark Sparrow Red Tailed Hawk
Black Phoebe Brown Headed Cowbird Canyon Towhee Hooded Oriole
Turkey Vulture Violet Green Swallow Western Scrub Jay Northern Mockingbird
April 19
We got the first rain in over a month. A steady rain throughout the early morning hours. Had my bedroom window open; the air smelled so sweet. We got .32” which is a lot. The rain barrel got full again. Scattered thunderstorms were predicted for the afternoon & evening, but didn’t materialize. Any rain in the desert is a Big Deal.
April 14
Preparing to watch the total lunar eclipse beginning around midnight MDT. It’s the first of a tetrad (4 total eclipses about 6 months apart in 2014 & 2015. The skies will be clear all night here; my hammock is all set up and ready; binoculars and camera at the ready. During the eclipse, the moon will appear a very reddish color; hence the term, “blood moon”. The eclipses are all visible in the northern hemisphere….weather permitting. So join me in the early morning hours for this celestial event. Oh yes, you can also watch it online at
March 3
It has been raining steadily since about noon today. It’s from the same storm that has hit CA and is moving east. Much needed in the desert especially in our current drought conditions. This rain will help to fill up the 3 cisterns outside the house. We use that rain water for dishes, showering and teeth brushing, and get our drinking water from the artesian well. So we have learned to conserve water by such methods as turning off the shower while soaping up, using only what we need for dishes, etc.
December 28
Pulled up my bedroom shade at a little after 5 this morning to see the Serpent Holder and Northern Crown rising in the east. Got dressed and headed up to the switchback. Big dipper almost overhead, Scorpio rising in the Southeast, the Great Arc off to the west. No sound to be heard until I got up there. A Great Horned Owl called in the distance, maybe the one that lives at the end of the box canyon. Briefly heard coyotes far away. No wind. Great way to start the day.
December 23
I’ve been waking up around 5:30 and getting up by 6. Just need that much sleep now as I am getting older. Love watching it get light out and waiting for the sun to come up over the mountain around 7:30. Open up the window shades to get the warmth coming into the house. Go down for morning meditation at 8:15, come home and eat breakfast about 9:30 and then get on with my day. Sue cooked the second turkey she bought at Thanksgiving today with all the trimmings. After dishes, went for a walk down to the retreat center to greet others who had just returned from being away. So warm and sunny today that I did my afternoon meditation outside.
November 20
Went for a night hike around 8pm. When we got far enough away from our house, no lights were visible anywhere. The dark outline of the mountains all around. The clouds blocked the stars, the moon itself was not visible, but moonlight could be seen through some of the thinner clouds. We could see the lights in the southeast from Silver City. There was no wind; the only sound was the crickets. A mild evening and an awesome wonder in the silence and lack of light.
November 9
In our garden just a couple of weeks ago…the Hollyhock was a volunteer and sprung up in the gravel just off the patio. The rose is still doing real well in November and likes the cold.
October 22
It’s been almost exactly a month now since the rainy season ended. Many cloudless days with temps in the upper 60’s now. Lots of insects during the day especially grasshoppers. Heard coyotes last night for the first time in a long time. The grasses have all dried up and the wildflowers are gone. Been sleeping on the futon on the porch since my down sleeping bag arrived. So very quiet here and beautiful.
October 14
Today took Norbu and Honey hiking in Holman Canyon. Hiked down to the creek, crossed under the first barbed wire fence, then the creek and found the gate on the fence to go back the other way toward the canyon. Took a tributary of the wash and climbed up a ridge. Norbu & I watched a white tailed deer crossing another ridge. The only sounds were the wind and the dogs panting as they were close to me. I thought of Native Americans riding this land, or perhaps the Mogollon people much before them. Next hike I think I’ll bring my compass, walking stick and camera and leave a note as to where I went. I kept the wash in my sights so that I wouldn’t get lost, but I can see how it would be possible to get lost in these canyons.
September 29
I love watching the shadows the sun casts on the mountains in the mornings and evenings
September 24
This afternoon the dogs wouldn’t let me nap! One was clawing at the door to get out and the other one thought she could join me in my bed (a big “no,no”) So we headed off on a hike into Singing Canyon. Found the cow trail down into it. On the way back up we shared the cow trail with a longhorn and a mama and calf. Everybody got up to the top without incident.
September 13
“Rick and Sue’s house is off the grid! Aside from its aesthetic appeal and surreal surroundings, one of the most amazing things about the house is the solar power system. The solar panel and battery bank is something to be admired by “preppers” everywhere. The insulative properties of the home’s mud-brick construction allow for passive cooling in the desert heat. With enough solar power to run a small air conditioner, such technology is not needed. The house then takes it to the next level by using the sun to directly heat water. Off grid does not mean no hot showers.” Chris Lambert’s comments after his visit to us in July
September 10
Why did I choose to retire to southwest New Mexico? 3 million acres of national forest and wilderness area crisscrossed by 1500 miles of trails. 333 different bird species identified here. The night sky is visible over 300 days/year. Silver City has a friendly, small town atmosphere with a historic business district, Victorian homes, lots of great restaurants, art galleries and 2 highly inform…ative museums. There is a university and the city has lots of activities and festivals throughout the year including my favorite; Blues Fest. There is a diversity people; old hippies, cowboys, young people, retirees. And they refer to the climate here as having “four gentle seasons”. It’s also a great place to visit; hint, hint.
August 28
Hiked in Holman Canyon this morning with the two dogs, Honey and Norbu. This evening there was a rainbow (huge) that started in the southeast and went all the way to the mountain in the northeast. The sun lit up the mountain where the rainbow could be seen.
July 15
A dog without tags or a collar wandered into our community the other day. Sue & I have taken her in. She and the other 2 dogs are getting along really well. We have named her Honey. The nice thing is that when we travel, others in our community will take care of her while we are gone. We are the accidental parents of this sweet and gentle dog.
June 23
AMAZING ADOBE. Open up the house in the evening. Close it up and pull down the shades when I get up in the morning. It’s about 60 by morning, but during the day it only gets to the low 70’s in the house while the temps outside are 18 or 19 degrees hotter. We don’t need the swamp cooler or fans. And there’s no sound of an air conditioner making noise. I love it. I’ve been painting and moving adobe blocks that a friend/neighbor has given us. I feel energized and physically good.
May 15
It is so very quiet here. At night the wind usually dies down and is totally still. The birds are all hunkered down and it’s still too cool for insects. The only sound I hear sleeping on the porch is the occasional sound of the water pump for about 30 seconds. No road noise from cars or sirens from emergency vehicles. There are several solar lights in the garden. No street lights or any other lights with the exception of a neighbors house a hundred yards away and a slight glow in the southeast from Silver City. And of course, the stars and the moon when it is out.
March 19
The installation of the new solar panels for our adobe is coming along. The charge controller, combiner box and circuit breaker box are mounted. Will bring an additional 1400 watts of electricity. Weather today was 74 and sunny.
November 27
Had Big Fun today. Hiked with 2 other members of our community in a box canyon on the SSC land where we live. Had lunch when we got to the end of the canyon, then hiked up a cow trail to the top and back to our house.
October 19
Winter birds are coming back to New Mexico. We have Red-Naped Sapsuckers in the trees around the ranch house. Also Northern Flickers are here
June 25
After doing some cleaning down at the ranch house, Sue and I went for a swim in Bear Creek, a year round cool mountain stream on the land, as we celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary today.
The Southwest Sufi Community is a non-profit gathering place near Silver City, NM for those committed to inclusive spiritual practice.