Biography: Susanne

Susanne is a founding member of the Southwest Sufi Community. So many precious teachers over the years have graced her life and tell much of her story; Thich Nhat Hanh, Prema Dasara, Anahata Iradah, Sheika Nurjamila Elliott, Sheykha Fariha, HH the 17th Gyalwang...

Biography: Bevan

Being here at SSC these past few years has increased my love of life, our Mother Earth, and the divine feminine in general – these are interconnected in profusion all around one here. I’m continually increasing my recognition of this along with what Lynne McTaggart...

Biography: Peter Lipa

Joined the Sufi caravan in 1979, and became an official resident of the SSC in 1997. Moineddin became an inspiration for exploring the inner life, and what has ultimately helped me become a witness/watcher on the path. Over the last quarter century have visited the...

Biography: Chant Thomas

Chant Thomas has lived in wilderness settings for nearly 50 years diving deep into the Wild, embedded in the embrace of Divine Creation. Chant first encountered Sufis in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park after an all-night Grateful Dead concert in December 1972. Sam’s...

Biography: Waduda Welsh

Khalifa Waduda Welsh has been studying Sufism since the late 70’s. She has three daughters and six grandsons, and she enjoys sharing spirituality, sword fighting and nature with them. She is a leader of Dances of Universal Peace, a sufi guide and a mureed of Pir...

Biography: Sue

Raised in “the boondocks” near Chicago, I enjoyed a rough and tumble childhood.  My three siblings and I walked to grammar school and were bussed to high school.  We all learned to swim early due to our parents’ preference for Lake Michigan vacation spots. I graduated...