I arrived in the community in 2017 with my heartmate Sunny drawn to the possibility of a simple life in the desert among fellow mystics.
Together, we lovingly tend a small bit of land on the edge of the community where we co-create a food forest oasis with a multitude of fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs and native plantings. Goats and chickens feed and entertain us as they enliven the microbial life in the soil with their offerings.
Some of my passions include: growing things, teaching simple living skills, making cheese and yogurt to share with others, walking daily in the wild with the herd and their guardian dog, healing with homeopathy, dancing, singing harmonies and hearing my flute echoing through the canyons.
Living in this remote valley sanctuary gives me the precious opportunity to immerse myself in the vast stillness of the wilderness. Nourished by the song of the stream, the dynamic cycles of seasons, the diversity of trees ,plants, rocks and wildlife, I devote myself to the continuous rekindling of awe and gratitude as life becomes a living prayer, studying the sacred manuscript of Nature.