Bahaar came to Sufism as a young girl, meeting the Spirit of Allah in a dream, dancing and encircling within the Zikr. Soon thereafter, Bahaar spent her 16th birthday at the Abode of the Message, seeking silence and refuge, her first Khilvat.
Meeting Pir Vilayat at Columbia University and receiving Darshan, preceded living an adventurous life abroad as an artist. Officially initiated by Ana Perez Chisti in 1993, Bahaar studied under her refined tutelage the path of Cherag and so much more.
Bahaar taught public high school (art and Spanish) for 20 years. Joining her husband at Trillium Farm, they created Birch Creek Arts & Ecology Center. For over 2 decades they hosted retreats for hundreds of seekers of Spirit and Nature, in addition to teaching organic gardening, homesteading skills and environmental activism.
After leaving Southern Oregon, they were guided to SSC and Voice of the Turtle Retreat Center, where Bahaar has found coalescence in her life’s path to Serve the Message.